And… We are back!
A few friends have been telling me lately ‘you’ve got lost’ or ‘where have you been?’ But the one that hit me the most, was the “it looks like I’ve never seen your work” one. So, definitely time to get back.
I did not disappear! In Venezuela we have a saying “No estaba muerto, estaba de parranda” (google it). What happened is that time has not been on my side (for good reasons), and it doesn’t seem that will change, so I will just post when I can, and avoid leaving long gaps in between postings. To make sure I will do that, I’ll start posting images with very small (to none) editing work. In my case, perfection is the enemy of DONE and, I really want to change that. A lot of time, these images don’t need any work at all, but that little “editing devil” we all have inside, keeps telling me ‘hey, but just this little thing here…and there…’. Well: Fck it!!!
(…and let everybody know!)